
Work Harder vs Work Smarter

If you are a fresh graduate, you need both to survive through. I recall my 1st year working experience where I have to stay late every day & almost every weekend, I will be in office till evening to complete my work. For me personally, I take it as learning with the all work that I did. I do not mind the extra hours but I have to learn from the tasks given. My indirect supervisor has the habit of giving the bunch of us tasks on Fri evening & require results by Mon.
That is work hard.

Work smart would mean that for all the work that I have done, whether I do understand the process flow / method & if there is any way that I can improve perhaps to reduce the time taken to complete each task / simplify the task so that the outcome / results will be better. Well, that is work smart. By understand the overall work process, time will be reduce to execute similar task & can be used to execute new task / for improvement purposes.
Therefore I would believe as a fresh graduate, you will need both to be more experienced & you can focus on how to work smarter. What do you think?

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